About Us

The DEEP (Developing Embedded Expertise Programs) Consortium is a community of independent organizations that provide high-quality professional development to educators in Jewish day schools.
We aim to leverage our combined expertise, experience, and influence to promote the simple idea that advancing excellence in the field of day school education and stabilizing its workforce depends upon our vigorous commitment to the ongoing professional growth of teachers and school leaders.

Our work takes shape in two broad areas:
- Advocacy – We cultivate relationships with local and national organizations, such as schools, funders, higher education institutions, and others, educating them about the benefits of HQPD. Through these partnerships, we are able to generate investments of time, money and energy in ongoing, meaningful professional learning for educators across the Jewish day school field.
Quality Improvement – By leveraging resources and documenting effective practices, we support DEEP Consortium members and their partner schools and educators. Together, we optimize professional development opportunities that create sustained impact on teaching and learning.

Having a consortium of HQPD providers is just the first step in enhancing the Jewish day school field. But the key to long-term impact is quality implementation in each school To ensure that your school’s HQPD intervention lives up to these high standards, we partner with you to create a process and infrastructure that supports your success.
This process can include:
- Conducting an initial assessment of professional learning needs and areas for growth
- Setting goals for improvement based on these identified needs
- Planning and implementing an array of professional development activities to meet these goals
- Collecting data from various sources to track progress toward goals
- Analyzing data to ascertain impact and identify further areas for growth; and
- Developing plans for sustaining impact and for further PD interventions, as needed

As true partners with day school leaders and faculty, we are as invested in developing teaching excellence as you are and want your teachers’ and students’ success to endure.
To work towards generating sustained impact, we encourage:
- Consistent messaging about the value of ongoing professional development for all staff
- Establishing a schedule, policies and resources that support steady participation in a variety of professional development activities
- Holding teachers and leaders accountable for professional growth
- Flexibility and adaptation of professional development models to best meet the needs of your school and teachers
- Implementing concrete strategies that chart a path for continued growth
Ready to bring HQPD to your school? Start the process here.
Founders and Funders
The DEEP Consortium was established in late 2019 under the auspices of the Jewish Education Innovation Challenge (JEIC) with funding support from the Mayberg Foundation, AVI CHAI Foundation and Arnee R. and Walter A. Winshall, and with partnership and advocacy from Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools. In 2023, UnitEd, an initiative of Israel’s Ministry for Diaspora Affairs and Combating Antisemitism to support the work of Jewish day schools globally, joined the founders as a partner.
The DEEP Consortium welcomes other partners who want to invest in catalyzing growth in the Jewish day school community. If you or your organization would like to learn how you can support the DEEP Consortium, please contact David Farbman at [email protected].