DEEP Concierge Intake FormComplete the form so we can better understand your needs. Once you submit this form, a DEEP Concierge will be in touch within 5 business days to schedule a follow-up conversation. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastSchool *Position *Email *What are your school’s strengths? What are you most proud of? *What instructional or school culture challenges are you trying to address? *Please indicate with which of the following DEEP members (if any) your school has engaged in the last three years. Check all that apply. *BetterLessonCenter for Israel EducationCivic SpiritFacing History and OurselvesGatewaysHebrew at the CenterHidden SparksJewish New Teacher ProjectJewish Day School Standards and BenchmarksLifnai VlifnimThe Lookstein CenterM2/Institute for Experiential Jewish EducationMandel Teacher Educator InstitutePardes Center for Jewish EducatorsPedagogy of PartnershipPrizmahThe Shefa SchoolSulamList any additional PD experiences your teachers and/or administrators have engaged in over the last three years (e.g., workshops, trainings, instructional coaching, study groups, etc.) *Describe a PD experience that your school faculty participated in that was successful and what, in your view, made it successful. *Describe a PD experience that your school faculty participated in that was not successful. Why did your teachers struggle with this PD experience? *Submit