Member Directory
Jewish New Teacher Project of New Teacher Center
Facilitates 2-year teacher induction program for beginner teachers with 1-on-1 mentoring from veteran teachers and participation in cross-school PD trainings. Offers a 20-month program to develop and coach new school leaders. Contact: Nina BruderBiographical Info
Areas We Address
Schools engage with JNTP to address the educator pipeline crisis by accelerating the effectiveness of new teachers and promoting the growth of school leadership. JNTP’s programs improve the practice and retention of beginning teachers and administrators through high-quality, intensive mentoring and cohort-based learning. By supporting novice teachers and administrators – a valuable and vulnerable group within the school ecosystem – JNTP enables educators new to their roles to succeed quickly in creating institutions grounded in instructional excellence and optimal learning environments. Educators who feel competent and confident stay in their jobs longer.
Expected Outcomes
Through participation in JNTP’s programs, educators new to their roles — as teachers, mentors, or administrators — learn new skills, grow in their practice, and create school communities grounded in instructional excellence.
- Teacher Induction Program:
- New teachers are supported with best practices to avoid common pitfalls.
- Veteran teachers who become mentors experience improvement in their own teaching.
- Administrator Support Program: School leaders grow into their new roles by acquiring new skills in leadership and supervision; navigating changing relationships; shaping school culture; and leading change.
Across all programs, there is an increase in professionalism, a shared language that creates school —and field-wide — cultures of instructional excellence, and greater teacher retention. Most importantly, students gain from an improved learning experience.
Key Activities
JNTP is not a “one-and-done” quick-fix workshop. Real change with demonstrable results comes only with sustained, job-embedded, and iterative professional learning.
- Teacher Induction Program: In this two-year program, veteran teachers learn JNTP’s approach, language, standards, and tools to mentor novice teachers.
- Veteran teachers meet with new teachers weekly for individualized mentoring conversations and bi-weekly observation cycles which provide feedback on the effectiveness of teaching, student learning, and classroom environment.
- In addition to weekly mentoring sessions, new teachers participate in periodic JNTP-led professional development sessions that focus on relevant topics such as the classroom environment, planning and preparation, parent communication, and more.
- Administrator Support Program: This program offers two models, both of which focus on the distinct challenges of new leaders and provide essential tools and strategies for effective supervision and leadership.
- The 20-month cohort-based program provides participants an opportunity to collaborate, share experiences, and grow with other educators in similar roles and includes 60+ hours of professional development workshops and 1:1 individualized coaching.
- We also offer customized, 1:1 coaching for both new and more seasoned administrators.
Setting Expectations
School expectations:
- Trust that great teaching, coaching, and administration can be learned.
- Commit the time and resources to enable their educators to participate in JNTP programs. For example, mentoring meetings should occur weekly and classroom observations bi-weekly, and teachers and administrators need coverage to leave for professional learning days.
- Provide opportunities for JNTP participants to share their learning with colleagues; this multiplies the impact of the school’s investment in the programs, creating a culture of reflection, a shared language around professional standards of practice, and a learning environment grounded in instructional excellence.
Administrator expectations:
- Meet periodically with JNTP participants — new administrators, new teachers, and mentors — to align on goals
- Honor the confidential relationships between mentors/coaches and their mentees
- Join JNTP’s day of professional learning for administrators who oversee Teacher Induction, so that they learn how to best support their participants
- Complete JNTP’s year-end feedback surveys
- Stay in contact with the JNTP team if issues arise
Classroom teachers expectations:
New teachers:
- Be eager to learn and improve
- Adopt a reflective stance
- Think about their practice
- Be open to classroom observations and peer feedback
- Be willing to take risks, get feedback, make changes, and try again
Veteran teacher-mentors:
- Be eager to learn and grow
- Adopt a reflective stance
- Be willing to think about their practice
- Be comfortable not having all the answers and to encourage mentees to think of their own solutions
Other DEEP Consortium members include Lookstein: Online Jewish Courses Center and Sulam.